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Creative Ways to Say I Love You

3 min read
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Saying “I love you” comes easier to some people than others and there's definitely more than one way to say it. They say when you’re in love, actions speak louder than words. 

Here are some creative ways to say “I love you” when you can’t say it with words, or when words aren’t enough. 

Say it with Flowers

Undoubtedly our favourite way to convey emotions, letting them know how you feel with flowers is a sure-fire way to get your message across.

Did you know flowers all have different meanings? All flowers are unique, right down to the colour. Take roses for example, red roses signify romantic love and are perfect Valentine’s Day flowers for your partner, yellow roses on the other hand are an ideal gift to let your friend know you appreciate them as they symbolise friendship. 

Flowers are ideal for any occasion, you can express your congratulations, sympathy, condolences, romantic feelings, sorrow, well wishes and everything in between by saying it with flowers.

Say it with Presents

Some people say money can’t buy love, but it can, Gifts are a symbol of love. Whether it was a gift you spotted on sale and thought would be perfect for them or a gift you’ve been saving up to buy them, the price tag doesn’t matter, it’s the thought counts. 

Get them something you know they need, the latest version of a gadget they use all the time or that wishlist item they’ve been wanting forever. No matter which option you choose, the look on their face when you surprise them will be worth every cent. 

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Say It with Something Personalised

Nothing says “I love you” better than personalised and heartfelt gifts. Think of something that carries emotional value or has a symbolic meaning. It could be based on an inside joke between the two of you, a deep and meaningful message or a thought-provoking gift that reminds them of a memory you share.

 Say It with A Surprise

 Send them signals in a big way with a surprise that’s a step above a dinner date. You might take advantage of the sunny weather and book a romantic getaway to a beach resort, dinner at a winery, a hiking trip or perhaps a short stay at a destination nearby. This is a great way to rekindle the romance in your relationship. As much as we love a weekend getaway, it’s not always doable, particularly if you’re surprising them. Perhaps instead you can take them to a gig, an escape room or even go bar hopping!

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Say it with Your Actions

Saying "I love you" looks different to different people. We don’t all have a way with words, and that’s perfectly fine. They say actions speak louder than words and that saying extends to letting someone know you love them. You might show your love by helping out around the house or giving them a day off from the school run. Perhaps in your relationship, love looks like giving them your undivided attention and really listening. 

It depends entirely on your relationship, so have a think about what you could do differently that would really show you’re committed and you care.

 Say it With Words

This might be an obvious one, but sometimes we don’t say it enough and that can cause your partner to become insecure in the relationship and wonder if there’s an issue when in fact, everything is fine!

‘Saying it with words’ doesn’t just mean saying “I love you” verbally. It could be a handwritten letter, card, poem, song,  email or text. The ways to say 'I love you' are infinite. 

 It might not even be those three words. It might be that you adore them, appreciate them, couldn’t imagine your life without them or that they changed your life. 

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How do you like to give and receive love? If you want to say it with flowers this year, explore our Valentine’s Day Collection and let them know how you feel with a floral gift like J'adore Roses this Valentine’s Day.

Share your messages of love on Facebook or snap a photo of your Valentine’s Day flowers and show us Instagram using the hashtags #InterfloraAU and #feellove.

Interflora Australia has been operating across our country since 1954. Originally based in Adelaide, South Australia, we now operate out of Interflora House in Melbourne, Victoria. Interflora Australia is 100% Australian owned - via a licensing agreement, issued to us from Interflora in the United Kingdom...