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Moss n Stone

2 min read
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This well-established shop has won an impressive range of awards, including a
top-ten placement in the Moss n Stone Florist category and second place in the Australian Wedding Award 2023 for Most Commendable Florist.

Beyond their undeniable talent, Moss n Stone is also known for supporting local growers and Australian products, always ensuring the best possible quality.

After overcoming breast cancer, owner Sandie purchased Moss n Stone and has since become a passionate supporter of charities like Daffodil Day, Breast Cancer Awareness, Pink Ribbon, McLeod Refuge and Friends With Dignity.

We’re proud to have Moss n Stone as an Interflora member.

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Interflora Australia has been operating across our country since 1954. Originally based in Adelaide, South Australia, we now operate out of Interflora House in Melbourne, Victoria. Interflora Australia is 100% Australian owned - via a licensing agreement, issued to us from Interflora in the United Kingdom...