Same day flower delivery available

Red Roses

Red Roses are the flower of love and when you order online with Interflora you know you’ll make a big impression.


The Red Rose is the classic floral symbol of romance. Traditionally, red roses are ordered by the dozen or for a really luxurious gift, 24 red roses will surely impress. When it comes to letting someone know you love them on Valentine's Day, red roses are the only way. Red roses remain the ultimate symbol of love and passion and one of the leading gifts that people bestow on the objects of their affection on romantic occasions. Interflora has a huge range of red roses available, including a variety of bouquets and boxes, and both short and long-stemmed red roses available to order online and delivered to your loved one. The meanings of rose colours date back through history, as far back as Ancient Egyptian times, and it was the Romans who adopted the red rose as a symbol of love, secrecy and beauty.

In Greek mythology it was said that the rose was created when the Greek goddess Aphrodite shed tears with the blood of her lover Adonis. Simply order online with Interflora and include a gift, such as a bottle of Champagne or Chocolates. Ordering roses online with Interflora ensures your delivery arrives on time through our amazing network of professional florists across Australia. We deliver to all cities including Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and PerthSame day flower delivery is available. Trust Interflora to help you show them just how much you care.  Interflora has a huge range of red roses available, including a variety of bouquets and boxes, and both short and long-stemmed red roses available to order online and delivered to your loved one. Want to mix the colours up? Choose an arrangement of red or pink roses for a more unique touch.

Interflora Australia has been operating across our country since 1954. Originally based in Adelaide, South Australia, we now operate out of Interflora House in Melbourne, Victoria. Interflora Australia is 100% Australian owned - via a licensing agreement, issued to us from Interflora in the United Kingdom...